Natural Lands Climate Adaptation Workshop
May 30th & June 1st, 2023 • Virtual
The goal of this two-part virtual workshop is to develop concrete, actionable adaptation strategies and actions that can be implemented within ChesLen and Bear Creek Preserves, while also building the capacity of Natural Lands staff to understand and incorporate information about expected climate change impacts and ecosystem vulnerability into climate-informed planning and management.
Agenda & Speakers
- Climate trends and projections for Natural Lands Preserves (Laura Hilberg)
- Introduction to vulnerability & vulnerability assessment results (Kathryn Braddock)
- Identifying climate-informed management options (Laura Hilberg)
- Overview of additional tools and resources (Laura Hilberg)
Reading & Resources
Summary of climate trends/projections and vulnerability assessments (near the bottom of the page)
Additional Tools & Resources
- 2021 Pennsylvania Climate Impacts Assessment
- U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit Climate Explorer
- Climate Model Factsheets (South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center)
- What are the RCPs? (CoastAdapt)
- Climate Change Projections for Individual Tree Species in Pennsylvania (NIACS)
- Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (EcoAdapt)
- Adaptation Checklist for Climate-Informed Projects (EcoAdapt)
- Climate Change Tree Atlas (U.S. Forest Service)
- Seedlot Selection Tool (U.S. Forest Service, Oregon State University, Conservation Biology Institute)
- INHABIT: Invasive Species Habitat Tool (USGS)
- EDDMapS (University of Georgia)
- Northeast RISCC Management Network
- Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program Climate Change Vulnerability Index (brief assessments for 85 species)
- A Quick Guide to Adaptation Planning for Land Trusts (NIACS/Land Trust Alliance)
- NIACS: Land Trusts
- Conservation in a Changing Climate (Land Trust Alliance)
- NIACS Climate Change Response Framework - Demonstration Projects (case studies)
- Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change
- Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy - Assisted tree migration case study