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National Adaptation Forum

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April 2-4, 2013 • Denver, CO • Denver Marriott City Center


EcoAdapt is proud to be a part of the Inaugural National Adaptation Forum: Action today for a better tomorrow. Please join us as we kick-off the inaugural convening of adaptation practitioners from around the country focused on moving adaptation planning to adaptation action, which includes opportunities for professional development through formal trainings, facilitated practitioner presentations, and informal exchange of information all at a single venue. This event affords attendees the opportunity to learn more about how to make their work climate smart, share what they have learned with others, and develop a stronger network striving to be climate-savvy in all that they do.
We are at a pivotal moment where we see risk and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change entering the discourse of decision makers at all levels of policy and resource management. Mangers working at a local, state, regional and federal levels are beginning to respond to climate impacts, however, the field of climate change adaptation is still in its infancy and too many are reinventing instead of innovating. With climate change jeopardizing our past, present and future management and conservation efforts; the need for a conversation around practical climate adaptation has never been greater.
For more current information please visit: