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Coastal Adaptation to a Changing Climate: Lessons from America's Coasts



Event: NCSE Conference 2011
Governments and their partners are taking on climate change in coastal planning around the country. In this session we will explore several of these efforts, discuss what is and is not successful, and offer information about resources that can support development of adaptation efforts, like the Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE).
Climate change adaptation is not an insurmountable challenge, rather it's simply how we must now do the business of management and planning. CAKE includes over 200 examples of climate change adaptation action already being implemented, including the case studies in this session.

Agenda & Speakers

Moderator: Lara Hansen, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Executive Director, EcoAdapt
  • Lara Hansen, Chief Scientist and Executive Director, EcoAdapt
  • Amber Mace, Executive Director, California Ocean Protection Council
  • Robbin Peach, Executive Director, Collaborative Institute for Oceans, Climate and Security, UMass Boston
  • Paul Heltne, The Chicago Academy of Sciences
  • Amber Mace, Ph.D. Executive Director, California Ocean Protection Council
  • Ellen Douglas, PE, UMass Boston
  • Adam Parris, Program Manager, Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment, NOAA
  • Major General Michael Walsh, Mississippi Valley Division, Army Corps of Engineers

Reading & Resources

CAKE houses hundreds of case studies. Browse through coastal and marine adaptation projects, see all case studies, or search the case study map by zooming in on your area of interest.
Relevant Case Studies on CAKE: