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Awareness to Action Training Series for the Sky Island Region

Sept 20-21, 2010 | April 13-14, 2011 | May 21-22, 2013 • Tucson, AZ


Are you grappling with effective resource management and conservation in the face of climate change? Although natural resource managers, scientists, and conservation organizations recognize the need to respond to the effects of climate change, there are many outstanding questions. How can existing information be applied? What is still uncertain and how do we work with uncertainty? What is already being done and what should be done next?
To explore and address these questions, Sky Island Alliance is convening a three-part series of workshops as part of the Sky Island Alliance Climate Change Adaptation Project:
  1. Climate Change Adaptation in the Arid Southwest: A Workshop for Land and Resource Management | September 20-21, 2010
    • Goal: Develop a common understanding of the impacts of climate change in the region, and build a diverse network of organizations, natural resource managers and scientists interested in continuing to engage on the issues of climate change adaptation. Held in conjunction with the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative.
    • Related Resource: Workshop Summary Report
  2. Between a Rock and a Hot Place: Climate Change Adaptation and Resource Management for the Sky Island Region | April 13-14, 2011
  3. Learning to Live with the Heat: Adapting to a Changing Climate in the Sky Island Region | May 21-22, 2013
Workshop Objectives:
  • Review the latest science on regional climate change projections, impacts, and adaptation options
  • Advance and strengthen collaboration on regional adaptation projects
  • Create a venue to share learning, progress, and strategy
  • Develop next steps for climate change adaptation for natural resources in the region

Agenda & Speakers

Reading & Resources

Useful Websites: