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Southern California Climate Change Adaptation Planning Workshop

Southern California Study Region_11Feb2015



May 20-21, 2015 • San Bernardino, CA


This 2-day workshop will include: (1) a review of projected climate changes for the Southern California region, including what these changes mean for key habitats; (2) a review of the habitat vulnerability assessment; (3) evaluation and revision of current management goals and actions given vulnerabilities; (4) generation of new climate-smart management actions designed to reduce vulnerabilities or increase resilience of habitats; and (5) an initial prioritization of climate-smart management actions including where and how to implement.
The goal of this workshop is to develop climate-smart adaptation strategies and actions to conserve priority Southern California habitats, with a specific focus on four National Forests (Angeles, San Bernardino, Cleveland, Los Padres). Participants will leave with an understanding of habitat vulnerabilities to climate change and a suite of adaptation actions that could be applied in at least one current project or activity.

Agenda & Speakers

Workshop Location
Danny Rhynes Training Center
602 S. Tippecanoe Avenue
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Information about lodging options and directions to the Danny Rhynes Training Center can be found at: sanbernardino/travel

Reading & Resources

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