The Available Science Assessment Process: Evaluating the Supporting Science Behind Climate Adaptation Actions
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing natural resources management, and decision makers at all levels are faced with choices on how to avoid, minimize, adapt to, and/or mitigate climate change impacts. Practitioners often struggle with how to identify and prioritize specific climate adaptation actions. Management actions may have a higher probability of being successful if they are informed by available scientific knowledge and findings. By evaluating specific actions on scientific knowledge and findings, we may be able to increase resource management effectiveness and efficiency.
The goal of the Available Science Assessment Process (ASAP) is to synthesize and evaluate the body of scientific knowledge on specific, on-the-ground climate adaptation actions to determine the conditions, time frames, and geographic areas where these actions may be most effective for resource managers.
Our methodology utilizes interviews, a literature review to scientifically assess management-relevant questions, and extensive engagement with natural resource managers and scientists throughout the Northwest Climate Science Center (NW CSC) region.