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Climate Savvy - Adapting Conservation and Resource Management to a Changing World


by Lara J. Hansen and Jennifer R. Hoffman
Climate change experts Lara Hansen and Jennifer Hoffman consider the implications of climate change for key resource management issues of our time—invasive species, corridors and connectivity, ecological restoration, pollution, and many others. How will strategies need to change to facilitate adaptation to a new climate regime? What steps can we take to promote resilience? Climate Savvy offers a wide-ranging exploration of how scientists, managers, and policymakers can use the challenge of climate change as an opportunity to build a more holistic and effective philosophy. Based on collaboration with a wide range of scientists, conservation leaders, and practitioners, the authors present general ideas as well as practical steps and strategies that can help cope with this new reality.
See who's talking about Climate Savvy!
"First of all, on Monday I finally received the copy of Climate Savvy that I'd ordered a month or two ago, which I finished reading last night. It's a beautiful piece of work, and you and Jennifer should be extremely proud of it. It's beautifully written, has a sense of humor, and covers the issues better than anything else that's out there. In researching the section of the Coastal Conservancy guidance document that I drafted, I read everything on adaptation strategies that I could get my hands on, and what you all have put together is easily the most comprehensive, practical and useful analysis there is. As they say in book reviews, 'it will be the standard source on the subject for many years to come'."
- Bob Thiel, CA State Coastal Conservancy
"Adaptation to climate change is not a cop out; it is a necessity. Thousands of species and many distinct ecosystems are threatened by changes happening too quickly across fragmented landscapes. Either we leave it to the engineers, developers, and politicians to figure out how to protect property values during this mess, or conservationists must work with society to help nature, as well as humans, adapt. Climate Savvy offers excellent guidance in this direction."
- Reed Noss Davis, Shine Professor of Conservation Biology, University of Central Florida

"As our world transforms by climate change into a psychedelic nightmare, Climate Savvy provides a solid guide for conservation. This is a handbook for the changing future, grounded in science and deeply practical. It will be essential reading for any planner, manager, or environmentalist."
- Thomas E. Lovejoy, The Heinz Center for Science, Economics, and the Environment

"In this no-hype, no-nonsense guide, the authors clearly and eloquently explain why and how strategies for conservation must be transformed to cope with our inevitably changing climate. This book should be mandatory reading for anyone who cares about and plans for our planet''s future." 
- Nancy Knowlton, Author of Citizens of the Sea

"The "tao" of adaptation is introduced by Drs. Hansen and Hoffman (Buying Time: A Users'' Guide to Building Resistance and Resilience to Climate Change in Natural Systems), among the founders of EcoAdapt, a nonprofit organization working on ecosystem-oriented climate change adaptation strategies."
- Reference & Research Book News

"In short, this is a useful handbook for helping resource managers realize some of the challenges that they will need to address in the coming years."
- Oryx
Other Online Reviews
"This optimistic and pragmatic handbook is written in a popular style, with lots of sidebars and explanations; however, the depth of scientific content makes it worthy of being called an academic text, and reflects the authors' expertise...Hansen and Hoffman describe actions and ideas that are needed in order to avoid the worst-case scenarios of climate change, while providing current, sound, and accepted research on climate change to emphasize their points along the way."
- Amy Stevensen and Jonathan Nawn, ParkScience
  Volume 28, Number 1, Spring 2011 Information Crossfile

"Climate Savvy" is a timely publication. It is a guide to robust decision-making for everyone from Landcare groups to policy-makers."
- Alan Watterson, Ecosphere Consulting, Austral Ecology, Volume 37, Issue 2, 2012, Book Reviews, pg e3

"Climate Savvy" draws examples from fascinating environmental studies, and it is filled with pragmatic and holistic approaches to conservation, restoration, pollution, and resource management. It was challenging for me, as a layperson, to read, but I would certainly recommend it to any environmentalist, resource manager, or conservation policy planner."
- Barbara Lloyd McMichael, Kitsap Sun

"Climate Savvy provides helpful definitions of key concepts and useful guidance on adaptation planning for a wide audience. Resource managers, conservationists, policy makers, and environmentalists will all find something interesting in this book."
- Crystal L. Raymond, U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest, Northwest Science Vol. 85, No. 3, 2011 Book Reviews

"The authors offer many chapters that consider the implication of climate change for key resource management issues of our time. Along with scientists, conservation leaders and practitioners, they present general ideas as well as practical steps and strategies that can cope with climate change and work toward a more robust future for our world."
- Karen Barton, Wildlife Mississippi
Climate Savvy - In the Classroom
  • National Conservation Training Center, US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • PSU
  • Northeastern University