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Governance and Policy

Enhancing existing or creating new policies

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council is authorized to manage fisheries within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the State of Alaska, which includes the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, and the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Because of observed northward shifts in the ranges of commercial species and uncertainty about ecosystem responses to climatic changes, the Council has adopted a precautionary approach to commercial fishing activities in the region, including prohibiting certain activities until better scientific information becomes available. Fishing in the Arctic has not been historically developed because sea ice has blocked passage and access to marine resources in the region; melting sea ice, warmer waters, and expanding species’ ranges may increase the opportunities for commercial fishing development in the Arctic and in 2009, the Council adopted the Arctic Fishery Management Plan. The plan closes the Arctic waters of Alaska to all commercial fishing activity until sufficient scientific research indicates otherwise. The plan has received support from the fishing industry, managers, conservation practitioners and groups, and community leaders. In addition, the Council has prohibited bottom trawling over nearly 673,000 square miles within its jurisdiction in order to protect habitat. This project is entitled Using a Precautionary Approach to Manage North Pacific Fisheries Under Uncertainty. Why is it a good example?
  • Involves taking action despite uncertainty about climate change effects