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Do you play golf or work in the golf industry? Tell us your perspectives on climate change!

EcoAdapt is conducting a survey to investigate the golf community’s concerns regarding the impacts of climate change. Survey results will be part of a larger project designed to help golf course managers and owners understand the implications of climate change for this sport. EcoAdapt is partnering with the United States Golf Association (USGA) for this research, which will include identification of climate change vulnerabilities for golf courses, course management practices, and recreational use across the U.S., as well as opportunities for adaptation that will reduce the negative effects of those changes.

This survey targets golf course Photo courtesy of the U.S. Golf Association
owners, superintendents, golfers and other recreational golf course users, and other key stakeholders to gain insight into how they are experiencing and preparing for both direct climate changes (e.g., sea level rise, heat waves, flooding) and existing issues that might intersect with climate change (e.g., water availability and quality, invasive species, pests and diseases, pollution). The results of this survey will inform several focus group sessions (to be held in Fall 2024) and will be incorporated into a comprehensive report detailing the golf industry's vulnerability to climate change. 

This survey is open to golf course owners, superintendents and staff, people involved in supporting industries and associations, and golfers and other recreational course users. We estimate that this survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete.

If you have questions, please contact Laura Hilberg at